Many years ago, the “high priests” of healthy living, namely Professor Willi Dungl, Professor Hademar Bankhofer an the tourism-manager Werner Schmalvogl, as well as famous doctors and scientists, have founded “Healthy Austria” to come up with guidelines for healthy living.

“HEALTHY AUSTRIA” controlled all biologically grown food that was used, and since that time, biological production has improved tremendously. Today, there are “honest” wines produced from biologically grown grapes. “HEALTHY AUSTRIA” controls the certificates and lets governmental agencies conduct the controls.



Yes - it is true! Wine connoisseurs live longer!

Enjoying daily up to 3/8 of a good wine can mean a higher life expectancy. Finally, it has been scientifically proven why so many winegrowers locally and abroad are extremely healthy and reach a high age.

WHO (World Health Organization) has published that, according to scientific studies, a moderate partaking of wine can reduce the risk of heart attacks up to 60%, as well as the risk of cancer. Most deaths are a result of especially these two illnesses.

So, cheers - enjoy your health and the good wine that is so healthy! Distribute the 3/8 of wine throughout the day. Husar Wines come in 12 varieties. Enjoy 1/8 of wine with each meal, and perhaps sometimes in between a glass of Golden Husar - then you will live healthy!



If wine is generally healthy, then how healthy is wine from biologically grown grapes? Let us introduce you to:


by now

Very important for diabetics: the labels list all important facts such as alcohol content, sugar residue, calories etc., so that the wine consumption can be part of the daily nutritious calculations. This means an improvement in the diabetic’s living quality - being able to enjoy a biological wine.





The Husar Winery
The Husar Line
Wine Culture
Castle Leopoldsberg
Healthy Austria
Price List