The Husar Winery


What about the Hussars?

Mathias Schmalvogl, a Captain of the Hussars, defended during the 16th Century the Hungarian borders of the Empire, leading his troops against the invading Turks.
He distinguished himself by showing extreme courage and boldness during many battles; therefore, Emperor Rudolff bestowed upon him in Prague in 1609 many privileges and raised him to nobility.

One day, due to unfavorable circumstances, the Turks took him prisoner. Anticipating a terrible death, he wanted to enjoy one last drink of his beloved wine. The Turks became curious and wanted to try the wine, and so the wineskin went from mouth to mouth.Muslims were neither familiar with the fermented grape juicy, nor did they know about the effects of alcohol, and so it happened that very soon, they all became totally drunk.
The Baron (Mathias Schmalvogl) was able to escape and to defeat his adversaries. Even now, when someone is able to pull off a very clever coup, this is still called a “Husarenstueck”, i.e. something only a Hussar could have been able to do.

The history of the Red Hussar shows that it has been the pride of the Schmalvogl family since centuries to produce good wines, and they have retained their preference for first class wines to this day. In remembrance of its famous heroic ancestor, the “Red Husar” will also in future remain to be the top product of the Husar Winery in Burgenland.

The Husar Winery
The Husar Line
Wine Culture
Castle Leopoldsberg
Healthy Austria
Price List
The husar winery


Surrounded by idyllic vineyards and located on the southern slopes of the Leitha Mountains is the Husar Winery, where the famous Husar Wines are produced.



Kellerberg 1
A-7000 St. Georgen-Eisenstadt
Tel +43(0) 2682 62912
Fax +43(0) 2682 62912 24

Mr.Baron Werner Schmalvogl
Managing Director of the Husar Winery
can be reached under
+43(0) 2682 62912.

Mr. Alexander Schmalvogl
is managing the wine cellars.
You can contact him under
+43(0) 2682 62912 15 or 25.

Mrs. Katharina Neissl
is responsible for Personnel and Bookkeeping.
She can be reached under
+43(0) 2682 62912 18.